Support intel A770 Bios code需開啟Resize BAR Support功能 Set Token “RESIZABLE_BAR_SUPPORT_DEFAULT_VALUE” value to 1 BIOS rebuild is required 1. code change in BIOS source file: a. Birchstream: ..\Edk2\MdeModulePkg\MdeModulePkg.dec b. Eagelstream: ...
Azure account is necessary for activate ASM key or VROC key. Please follow attached SOP to register Azure account before activate your ASM key & VROC key. Please check the Intel notification letter and visit Intel servertool registration portal via ...
Yes, we enable this function for customer to add person in c.c. loop while creating a new ticket. So person in CCs could receive email notice while new ticket crated and further reply from MiTAC or customer.
1 . Generate the system debug log files using the link below. 2. Upload the system debug log files using the link below. Below is an example.
For MiTACDSG Server products: 1. Please prepare SN of your server system or key component 2. Go to MiTACDSG portal as below, and enter the SN to check the end date of warranty MiTAC - Intel® DSG Server Products Service Center - Warranty Information ...
You could apply RMA from MiTAC ticket system by providing related SN, failure symptoms, event logs and after FAE judge the defective parts, then MiTAC Service team would issue RMA# to you for RMA return process. 1.Customer requests Technical Support ...
Yes, for created ticket, it's allowed customer to reply via your email system, and add member in mail COPY loop whoever OWN or NOT OWN ticket account. And after ticket replied, he/she could see the ticket thread in his/her email system. In case same ...
Upload via BMC Web Console 1. Login to Integrated BMC Web Console. 2. Click “Configuration” in menu bar and click “License Management”. 3. Click “Choose File” and select license key file (*.v2c) then click "Open" then "Upload" 5. BMC Web console will ...
1 . Generate the system debug log files using the link below. 2. Upload the system debug log files using the link below. Below is an example.